Here you will find the keynote speakers at EuroMeet 2022 in Silkeborg. We will add more speakers in this sections, as we move towards the opening of the conference.
Keynote speakers
Hans Bruyninckx
Executive Director of the European Environment Agency
Hans Bruyninckx is a political scientist and international relations scholar specialized in international environmental governance and European environmental politics.
Since 2023 he has headed the European Environment Agency. While in this position, he is on leave from his posts as Professor of International Relations and Global Environmental Governance. His academic expertise lies primarily in the field of European and international environmental policy, studying the effects of globalization on the global governance of environmental issues and sustainable development.
Floor van Houdt
Head of Sports Unit (EU COMM - DG EAC)
Ms Florencia Van Houdt has been working for the European Commission for the past 25 years. Currently, she is the Head of Sport Unit (in charge of EU Sport Policy).
Prior to this position, she worked on EU policies in the field of youth, research, entrepreneurship and maritime affairs. Before joining the Commission, she studied law and European Studies in the Netherlands, Spain and Belgium, and worked as a European affairs consultant.
Johan Faskunger
Consultant Physical activity, public health, community planning and behaviour change at ProActivity AB. Employed at The Swedish association for outdoor organisation
Johan Faskunger has studied sports & fitness pedagogy at the University of Gothenburg and completed both a doctoral degree and a master’s degree in the field of physical activity & health sciences at the University of Bristol.
Johan will speak about a new study of ”Luften är fri – Friluftslivets år” – Swedens Year of Outdoor recreation. Year of Outdoor recreation 2021 was a nationwide campaign to promote outdoor life and recreation in Sweden 2021. Prime goals were (among others): to promote outdoor life in groups with little previous experience, to improve co-operation between outdoor organisations and stakeholders and to increase knowledge about Swedish nature and allemansrätten – the right of public access – which is the foundation for outdoor life in Sweden.